Retaining Employees

22 Jul 2024

Team Management

Retaining Employees

Retaining employees can be challenging if you're not careful. Learn about some of the factors that employees consider when deciding to stay or leave a company.

Building an Editorial Board

08 Jul 2024

Team Management

Building an Editorial Board

Having a good editorial board can influence everything from the direction of your journal to whether or not you receive an impact factor. Here we talk about how to grow your editorial board and aim for success.

What is an Editorial Board?

29 Apr 2024

Team Management

What is an Editorial Board?

Editorial boards are one of the most critical parts of your journal. Learn more about how they can help you to be successful here.

Why Training Matters

24 Apr 2024

Team Management

Why Training Matters

Proper training can do many things. It can save time and money, and it can make sure that your journal is successful. Here we'll go over training in some depth.

How to Manage Criticism

01 Apr 2024

Team Management

How to Manage Criticism

Whether you need to provide criticism, or you are receiving it, knowing how to handle criticism in many different ways is an importance skill to have—regardless of your position in a company.

3 Management Styles for Running a Journal

19 Feb 2024

Team Management

3 Management Styles for Running a Journal

Not every task is the same, and different management styles are suitable for different situations. But is there a "best" style of management?

What Is a Journal Management System?

14 Feb 2024

Peer Review
Operational Tasks
Team Management
Economics of Publishing

What Is a Journal Management System?

A journal management system like JAMS can help your journal grow faster, more efficiently, and save money on the way. Learn more in this article.

Running an English Editing Department

19 Dec 2023

Team Management

Running an English Editing Department

The different departments of a journal have different goals, and knowing how to run an English editing department can be a critical factor to the success of your journal.

Managing a Team

07 Dec 2023

Team Management

Managing a Team

Making sure that you can manage your teams effectively is very important to the long-term success of your journal. Here we talk a bit about different tools and plans at your disposal.