Sciences versus Humanities

17 Jun 2024

Economics of Publishing

Sciences versus Humanities

Sometimes you're faced with decisions early in establishing your journal. For example, do you want to produce a journal that focuses on the sciences or the humanities?

Using Vouchers

06 May 2024

Economics of Publishing

Using Vouchers

How can your journal use vouchers to improve reputation and make more money? In this article, we'll cover these handy tools.

Editor Rates for Freelancers

04 Mar 2024

Economics of Publishing

Editor Rates for Freelancers

When working with English editors, reasonable expectations and an understanding of pay rates are critical.

What Is a Journal Management System?

14 Feb 2024

Peer Review
Operational Tasks
Team Management
Economics of Publishing

What Is a Journal Management System?

A journal management system like JAMS can help your journal grow faster, more efficiently, and save money on the way. Learn more in this article.

Billing Infrastructure for Your Journal

31 Jan 2024

Economics of Publishing

Billing Infrastructure for Your Journal

Your business needs money to survive, so having a proper billing infrastructure is important. We'll go over some of the important details here.

Generating Income with Your Journal

12 Dec 2023

Economics of Publishing

Generating Income with Your Journal

With your journal ready to go, it's time to talk about how you generate income and make sure your efforts lead you to success.

Overhead Costs for a Journal

28 Nov 2023

Economics of Publishing

Overhead Costs for a Journal

Because all businesses need money to survive, having a strong understanding of what costs you have to manage is crucial. Here we go over your potential overheads and how to handle them.

Competitive Pricing for Your Journal

20 Nov 2023

Economics of Publishing

Competitive Pricing for Your Journal

Knowing your market is critical if you want your journal to be successful. Importantly, when you set your prices, you should know what the market looks like.